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Room Checklist for Good Impressions

There are things that guests know they’ll find in a hotel room – a bed, a chair, the basics. Then there are things the guest maybe doesn’t expect to find, but which make a really good impression when they do.

The Points Guy, who seems to be a professional traveller, put together a list of things that he likes seeing in hotel rooms, but which many hotels neglect – which means the ones who do provide them stick in his mind.

They’re not expensive to provide, but they are appreciated.

Dental Care Kits. Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, these are among the most commonly forgotten items when packing, so they’re really appreciated when the guest is unpacking and realises: Oh no, the toothbrush… Oh look, there’s one here. Whew!

Bottled water. If a guest has had a rushed trip and hits the room wanting to relax, they don’t want to have to go out in search of water. Just keep a couple bottles of drinking water in their room – for no extra charge, please.

Luggage rack. Don’t forget the luggage rack. Make sure you check them regularly to ensure the strapping hasn’t started to rip or come unsewn. And of course, the rack needs to be cleaned as regularly as the rest of the room, as it’s part of the overall impression of comfort and cleanliness the guest receives.

A Do Not Disturb Sign. Yes, it seems like a no-brainer, but please make sure that every room has one in as-new condition – and that your staff honour them.