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Kemsol Sani-Foam Sanitiser 20L DG8

Additional Information

SKU 26064
Weight (kg) 22.50
Pack Qty 1
Cubic Metre 0.03

Quick Overview

Foaming Cleaner and Sanitiser

Concentrated combined cleaner and chlorine-based sanitising agent for use manually or with an automatic dilution and foaming device to cleanse and sanitise food process hard surfaces. Ideal when large process areas require regular, efficient and hygienic cleaning.


Automatic dilution devices Depending on soiling levels and required speed of clean, foam at a ratio of 1:20 (5% solution, 50ml per litre) to 1:100 (1% solution, 10ml per litre) with potable cold water. Adjust air pressure (if applicable) to achieve optimum foam density. Foam surfaces and equipment, and leave for 5-10 minutes before brushing and/or thoroughly rinsing. General medium-duty cleaning Use at a ratio of 1:50 (2% solution, 20mls per litre) with potable water.


Under Good Practice Protocol based on accepted international research a 1.6% solution of this product, diluted with potable water, is recommended with liberal application on clean hard surfaces with a minimum contact time of 5 minutes. At this concentration the product provides 500PPM FAC.

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