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Being Present on Social Media

There are as many social media marketing strategies for accommodation properties as there are marketing professionals anxious to be hired, but there are some basic, fundamental similarities to most of them. So when either looking to increase your visibility and profits on social media, or engaging a marketing pro to do it for you, there are some basics to keep in mind.

First, have a TripAdvisor and/or other user-generated content channel. These are sites where people write in with reviews. They do turn up frequently on Google searches for “hotel [Your Area].” Don’t underestimate how seriously people take these sites - for many, they’re the only personal recommendations they can find.

Do have a Facebook page. And a Twitter account. Have a number people can text. Those are the must-haves. If you want to do LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest or the like, have a specific, strategic reason why.

Take an hour or two and look up “search keywords,” learning how they work and how to use them to your property’s best advantage, your web developer may be able to help with this. Many travellers will search specifically for “green” or “eco-friendly,” or “kid-friendly,” and take the first Google hits that come up.

Now: Keep Up

Keep up with social media as you would your own website and email. You would be shocked how many properties spend all the time to get their TripAdvisor, Facebook, Twitter and texting all set up - and never look at them again, just sit back and wait for the bookings to roll in.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. At least once a week read your TripAdvisor comments, watching for complaints you can answer quickly. Hit Facebook a couple times a week at the minimum and write something about activities or destinations in your area, mention something about your green policies, wish everybody a good weekend - anything to let them know you’re there.

Check Twitter once a day and find something clever to tweet once or twice a week, again about local events, special offers, local sports teams, anything to get people seeing your name. Social media is a great platform for offering special deals and packages.

Check your text number whenever you think about it. People on social media expect immediacy - that’s why they’re on it. Once it becomes habitual it’s not difficult to keep up and maintain lively, profitable social media marketing - and it’s all free.