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In-Room Microwave Ovens: Yes Or No?

Google “microwaves in hotel rooms” and the top results are questions on social media travel sites asking if a certain property has microwave ovens in the room.

Microwaves are important to certain travellers, primarily families. Mothers of babies find them so essential that some have been known to actually bring their own microwaves along in case the hotel doesn’t provide them. “I've brought microwaves into hotels in the past-for warming up baby bottles,” writes one woman on a social media site, adding that “Once, I called first and asked about the microwave and they said they could put one in the room for me.”

Other parents of children with allergies say microwave ovens are essential for preparing special foods for their kids.

But there may be good reasons for not putting microwaves in your rooms. If that’s the case, it’s a good idea to make it very clear on the website, and in all communication to guests, that if they need a microwave in the room you’re happy to provide one.

So why would a hotel not want to provide a microwave oven in the room? One consultant who does a great deal of travelling reported that he’s continually “shocked” at how “the cheapest of the cheap hotels have both a refrigerator (usually mini) and a microwave in the room, and the expensive or even middle-of-the-line / standard… ...do not have these room amenities unless you are staying in a suite rather than a regular room.”

But in fact properties that cater to more upscale vacation travellers than business travellers say guests don’t want to see microwaves, irons or other reminders of the daily life they’re on holiday from. Guests in luxury vacation properties are more likely to dine out anyway.

And some hotels cater to the quick stay, that is in/out, one-night travellers. Microwaves are probably not important to them either.

So if you don’t have microwaves in your room for one reason or another, that’s fine - as long as it’s clear that guests can request one at no charge adding to an excellent guest experience.